
Natasha speaking at Warwick’s Books in La Jolla, California on April 10, 2014. Her book became their #1 Bestseller.


When one is in the middle
of pain
it is impossible to envisage
a time without it
yet that time comes
surprising me
by its suddenness
from an agonizingly
slow healing
to a world of brighter colors
to a lighter step
to being whole again
I like the old saying:
“When someone you love dies,
the main difference is
that he is no longer
outside of you,
he is inside”

and so he is…

One thought on “Healing

  1. I have followed Natasha’s work for many years and have been touched by its sensitivity and intelligence. Since I have known her since high school days, I am not surprised, just proud and happy for her. I’m sure there is much more forthcoming-how nice for all of us.

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